Thursday, June 24, 2010

Methinks Blog Is Hard

Props go to those who blog on a daily basis. I am in a lecture right now for communication majors. A speaker gave a bunch of tips to make sure we are successful and one of them was to write every day. I love to write and would love to be a hardcore blogger ... but c'mon, what am I going to blog about? I thought I would find something to vent about all the time, but as it turns out - I don't. Additionally, what if one day a company wants to promote me from pencil sharpenerer to CEO and they do a little research and find this blog that talks about why I hate what people do? Won't that hurt my chances?

Oh well. Here is something that happened to me the other day that really bothered me.

Class was about to start and there was an empty desk next to me. The class is in a miniature lecture hall and the desks are pretty close to each other. A student walked in late and sat next to me. It didn't take long for me to find out he was very sick. I felt bad for the poor kid because he kept putting his head on the desk and moaning quietly to himself. It was easy to see that he was miserable. My problem was that I didn't particularly want to get sick. I can't really afford to get sick right now - there is too much going on. I found myself putting my hand up to my face and shielding it from any deadly toxins that might be floating in the air.
As class progressed, he was obviously struggling to even stay awake. He would fall asleep either just by doing head-bobs or by putting his head on his desk. I don't really know how to explain this but .... he was really sick and you could tell by the way he breathed in from his nose. Get it? Understand? Like when he sniffed it sounded gooey. You know? Like sticky. You know? All slurpy and stuff. Anyway, when he was sleeping .... it was ..... dripping .... out .... of his nose.
I don't want to go into too much detail or anything (one because it is gross and two because I feel kind of bad doing so).

Why this is vent material: If you are sick, just stay home. Please.


  1. I totally hear you man. However, I've sort of been on both sides. Granted, I don't go if I'm *actually* sick like it sounded he was, but there have been times when I've cleared my throat and could see the people around me visibly recoil, like I have ebola or something. Makes me mad too. Although I'm sure he was oblivious to your (understandable) disgust if he didn't even notice his goober geyser.;-)

  2. Goober geyser. Good one.

    Goober Geyser
